Please enter the Voucher or Cheque details

We will be carrying out planned essential maintenance on this platform from Sunday, 17th November, through Monday, 18th November 2024.
During this time, the platform will be offline and you will be unable to redeem any Voucher Cheques.
Please ensure you have redeemed your Voucher Cheque(s) prior to this date or wait until 19th November, after the work is complete.
If your Voucher Cheque is due to expire on the 17th or 18th November, please ensure you have redeemed it in advance.
Thank you for your patience whilst we improve our services.
Important Message(s) -
The Body Shop is currently making some changes to their website which means that online redemption for eVouchers is temporarily unavailable. The retailer apologises for any inconvenience caused by this and endeavour to be back up and running in due course. Please note, The Body Shop eVouchers can still be redeemed instore.

We are here to help -
We’re here to help you, and whilst our teams are working hard to answer as many calls and questions as we can, we’ve popped a few Frequently Asked Questions together for you. Please check here to see if your question can be answered before contacting us.

Problems logging in or wish to track an order?
 Please Contact us
 Visit our FAQs support page
 Download our User Guide
 01908 303 420